Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why Tiny Paper Clips?

Recently we were in a WPW Team Meeting and Kim asked me "Michele, why does this say BIG thoughts from tiny paper clips? I got tickled because I realized that I had never explained that title on this blog. It dates back to the prayer study. Remember the tiny paper clips illustration?

We are all tiny paper clips. Each and every one of us. All alone, we are nothing special. But, when connected to God, we are powerful! Just as a magnet can radiate its force through an attached paperclip, so does God radiate His power through us! We allow Him to use us to accomplish His purposes, purposes that we could never accomplish on our own, when we allow ourselves to be connected to Him.

"He is the vine, we are the branches. Apart from Him, we can do nothing."

Isn't it such a relief to know that we are not the main power source through which He accomplishes His actions? No, it is not us, but His power that is acting through us! We are nothing but His instruments, allowing Him to accomplish His will through our lives. It takes such stress off of us- to try to make ourselves strong and powerful for Him and to accomplish what we perceive to be great works for Him. What He is able to accomplish through us is only dependent on how willing we are to be completely open to His will, power and calling!

He is the mighty main force that accomplishes His will. We are but tiny paper clips, connected to a powerful magnet, allowing that force to work through our lives.

That's where the title comes from. I am so glad to be a tiny paper clip. I am so glad to be serving with you all. And I love watching His power work through each and every one of us.

I hope you all have a great Christmas season, my fellow tiny paper clips!

Merry Christmas!