Saturday, May 28, 2011

Surrounded By A Cloud Of Witnesses

I love the imagery of Hebrews 12:1-2. I imagine us right now, here on earth, being surrounded by the spiritual giants who battled before us. I imagine Paul, Peter, Luke, John, David, Mary, Martha, and so many more that I can't list them. I think of how these wonderful men and women allowed God to use their lives to inspire, comfort and motivate us. They faced great obstacles, trials and difficulties, and pressed on, allowing God to guide them in their lives to accomplish His great plan. Many of them did not have a complete understanding of God's divine plan, yet they trusted Him with their lives.

How much we can learn from their examples!

"Let us throw off everything that entangles us, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

The Women's PowerWALK Wednesday ministry began in September 2010 with the goal of leading women in a closer WALK with our Lord Jesus Christ. We want to create a ministry in which we learn about those who have WALKed on before us, grow in our love for and trust in our God, live to love and serve Jesus Christ, come to know the work of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, and serve together as the united body of Jesus Christ. We want to be in His Word, live His Word, and reveal His Word to others.

We want to get rid of anything that holds us back from fully knowing, believing and loving God, our Father. We want to run this race with Godly perseverance, allowing His strength to empower us and work through us. To do this, we fix our eyes on Jesus Christ, the center of our message, the main character in our stories.

There is a great joy that awaits us when we are with Him in Heaven, but there is also a great joy that awaits us now, through knowing Him, believing Him, serving Him, loving Him and spending time in fellowship with our Christian family. May God continue to bless us on this endeavor that He has set before us. May we enjoy our WALK with Him and with each other!

Grace and peace to you.

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