Thursday, June 2, 2011

We Shall Morph Indeed

Last night was the kick-off to our summer series. We are studying about spiritual transformation using the book "The Life You've Always Wanted". It's going to be awesome!
This morning I was thinking about worms. Actually, I was thinking about the song "At the Cross". When I was in high school, I had a friend that protested that hymn. You see, the original version actually says "for such a worm as I". That was later changed to "for such a one as I". My friend would actually almost shout the word "worm" as we were singing the second version during church. She protested that singing "one" takes away the true meaning. We are lowly and undeserving, and He loved us so much that He would die for us, despite the fact that our nature is vile, repulsive, and "wormy".

But then my mind quickly shifted from worms to caterpillars, then to butterflies. I thought about how God reveals a part of His divine purpose for us with the beautiful example given to us in nature of the transformation of the caterpillar to the butterfly.

You see, we are like the caterpillars, stuck to the ground with our face in the dirt, our view limited to only what is in front of us, limited in purpose. We wander aimlessly in futility, without eternal perspective, without Godly power, without His purpose in our hearts, without the knowledge of the faithfulness of His nature and the security found in His love. All we see is the earthly dirt in front of us.

But He has a great love and a bigger plan and purpose for His little caterpillars.

He transforms us into butterflies. Beautiful butterflies that reflect His glory. He gives us wings powered by His strength to take us places that we never dreamed of. We no longer see dirt, but see an eternal purpose with a God-inspired perspective. He leads us to soar as we use the gifts with which His Spirit equips us.

He has a purpose for us. A plan. A destination. A goal. And great love for His transformed creation. Love that existed before that transformation but now is understood by it.

Oh how He loves us!

Some of us may identify with the worm, feeling insecure in His love, unworthy of Him, living without purpose or identity. Some may identify with the caterpillar, lacking eternal perspective, feeling as if there is more to this life that what we currently are experiencing, wondering where He is, why circumstances are occurring that hurt us, what possible plan does He have. Then, there are the transformed butterflies. The creation that has allowed Him full access into their hearts so He can transform them, allowed Him to get rid of the earthy dirt that clouds their minds and limits their eternal perspective, and are soaring with His strength.

We are a new creation in Him!

Sisters, let us, with great enthusiasm, allow Him to transform us into the creation that He has purposed for us to be. May we actively seek to allow Him the pre-eminent position in our hearts this summer. We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us- Romans 8:37.

Grace and peace,

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