Sunday, January 20, 2013

The Moon That Reflects The Son

My Nana Regauld was a teeny-tiny, feisty, humorous woman who, for some reason, could not stand Regis Philbin. To this day I do not understand why she watched Live with Regis and Kathy Lee faithfully, yet, during the entire show, would mutter about how much she did not like him. She had never even met the man! To me, he seems very friendly and giving. But to my Nana, well, don't get her started!

Unfortunately, I was not able to spend much time with my Nana when I was growing up. I do have a very special connection with her, however.

Ready to know what it is?

OK, don't laugh.

My Nana and I both loved the moon.

I am not making that up. I remember as a child sitting outside in my backyard at night, watching the moon and stars. I remember tracking the constellations and looking at the moon and planets up close through my telescope, all with eager anticipation of something new that I would learn that night. I could spend hours looking at different crevices in the moon. I smiled at the man on the moon, knowing that he was obligated to smile back at me.

I was thrilled when I found out that, during the times that I was sitting outside in my backyard in Little Rock smiling at the moon, my Nana was sitting on her front porch in Rhode Island, doing the same thing. I remember my Nana telling me how she would talk to the moon, and how upset she was when we sent men to the moon and that they left "their junk" on the moon.

Nana and I had that conversation right before I moved to Chile. I remember staring at the moon from the airplane as we made our overnight flights from Dallas to Santiago, and from Santiago back to Dallas. I remember sitting on my balcony in Santiago, nine stories up, looking at the moon, knowing that my Nana was doing the same thing at that very moment. I remember thinking that the moon connected me to my family in the United States. That they were seeing the same moon as I was, and, somehow, it made the distance between us much shorter and more bearable.

I tear up even now thinking that tonight, I will look through my window blinds, like I usually do, and find the moon, and remember my Nana.

I love how God has given us earthly visuals to help us understand Heavenly Realities.

One of the reasons I am fascinated by the moon is that, really, the moon is nothing special at all. It is just a big rock floating around us in space. It doesn't have any special qualities or abilities. However, on most nights of the month, the moon shines brightly on us while the sun warms the other side of the earth. But the moon doesn't shine on its own. No, it's just a rock. It has no special abilities, remember. So how does the moon shine?

It reflects the sun. 

As we continue in our year long study of discipleship, remember that we are designed by God to reflect the Son. We, of our own accord, have no special qualities about us. It is only because we have His Spirit in us that we have worthy lives. Thank the Lord for that! Please understand what I mean. Each one of us is dearly loved. Each one of us has purpose and identity in Him. But what makes us special is what He has done for us and who we are in Him. I fear that Satan continues with his attack on women, making them feel insecure in Jesus Christ. He does that in so many ways. And we loose sight of how beloved we truly are! God has never called us to prove ourselves to Him. We just WALKed through a study that taught us that Jesus' grace is greater than our sin. So let us NOT go back into our old ways of thinking that lead us down the road of insecurity in Jesus Christ.

That thinking was so 2012!

No, as we seek to build on the firm, true foundation of discipleship, let us remember that the basis of this foundation is that we were made to be like the moon. Only the Son we reflect to this world is far more glorious!

Grace, peace and much love to you precious sisters,

Monday, September 3, 2012


I have to tell you.....

I am really excited about the Fall study!

I mean, really excited!


Why am I so excited?

This Fall we will be WALKing through a study of redemption. We will be using a wonderful study guide by Jennifer Kennedy Dean called "The Life Changing Power in the Blood of Jesus Christ." We will also be using the books of Hebrews and Leviticus to supplement the study.

We will be focusing on the redemptive power of Christ's blood.

What does "redeemed" mean? When you think of "redemption", what comes to your mind? How about "atonement"?

What about the role of the Old Testament prophesies, rituals, feasts and sacrifices? What meaning do they have for us?

I'll be honest with you. There are so many feasts, sacrifices and rituals in the Old Testament that they make my head spin. It's so hard to keep up with them and to understand why they existed, let alone the significance that they have for us today. But the truth is that we MUST understand them to have a better understanding of the significance of Christ's once-for-all sacrifice. When we look back at the Old Testament we receive a fuller understanding of how Christ completes it.

In my humble opinion, the foundation of who we are in Christ lies in the atonement. The redemptive plan. Restoration. These words need to be upon our hearts and written in our minds. Yet I find that we don't have a good understanding of what they mean.

Well, no more! This Fall quarter, we will be WALKing through God's redemptive plan and focusing on how Christ's blood not only saves us, but purifies us daily, cleansing us and restoring us to the Father who loves us so much. We look at how God had a plan for redemption all along, even before the world was created! We have a better understanding of the freeing power that flows over and within us. We'll look at how God revealed his purpose through Old Testament ceremonies and rituals so that we could have an understanding of what they mean to us today.

We'll look at the difference between "shadow"living and living with power, freedom and purpose.

In the end, we'll have a better understanding of who we are in Christ!

Our prayer is that you will join us for this study and take this journey with us. Together. Arm in arm, as God intended His family to be.

I hope you'll join us!

Grace and peace to you all.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Under Construction

The other day I was singing the song "He's still working on me" to Kylie. I was explaining to her that God is actively working in her life, and will continue to do so for as long as she is alive. He has a plan to continue His work within her until the very end. Along the way, her reward is that she will get to experience many wonderful works of His Spirit in her life as she gets to know and love her Savior.

And He does all of that because He loves her so much. Not because she is so cute (she is), or because she has had it a little hard in her first 4 years (she has) or because she has awesome parents (I may be biased there). It is because God is love, and He has love for her.

As well as for all of us!

God is at work within each one of us. He is actively involved in our lives, transforming us into the image of His Son. He has placed His Spirit within us to guide us through this temporary existence to the eternal life that He created before the world was formed.

It would be life-changing if we only understood how great His love is for us!

So many times I hear Satan confusing women with lies which leave them broken-hearted and insecure. If we would only hold close the sword of truth proclaiming that, before the creation of the world, God loved us so much that He planned our redemption. Think about it, before Day One, before Eve bit the "apple", before the fall of man, God knew that we would need a Savior and had the plan in place. He loved us enough to go ahead and create us knowing the price that He would pay would be...... Himself.

That's amazing love!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Why Tiny Paper Clips?

Recently we were in a WPW Team Meeting and Kim asked me "Michele, why does this say BIG thoughts from tiny paper clips? I got tickled because I realized that I had never explained that title on this blog. It dates back to the prayer study. Remember the tiny paper clips illustration?

We are all tiny paper clips. Each and every one of us. All alone, we are nothing special. But, when connected to God, we are powerful! Just as a magnet can radiate its force through an attached paperclip, so does God radiate His power through us! We allow Him to use us to accomplish His purposes, purposes that we could never accomplish on our own, when we allow ourselves to be connected to Him.

"He is the vine, we are the branches. Apart from Him, we can do nothing."

Isn't it such a relief to know that we are not the main power source through which He accomplishes His actions? No, it is not us, but His power that is acting through us! We are nothing but His instruments, allowing Him to accomplish His will through our lives. It takes such stress off of us- to try to make ourselves strong and powerful for Him and to accomplish what we perceive to be great works for Him. What He is able to accomplish through us is only dependent on how willing we are to be completely open to His will, power and calling!

He is the mighty main force that accomplishes His will. We are but tiny paper clips, connected to a powerful magnet, allowing that force to work through our lives.

That's where the title comes from. I am so glad to be a tiny paper clip. I am so glad to be serving with you all. And I love watching His power work through each and every one of us.

I hope you all have a great Christmas season, my fellow tiny paper clips!

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, June 19, 2011

What Does That Mean For Us?

Today in his sermon Keith mentioned that the majority of Christians leave their church between the ages of 18-24. He also said that 50% of them would come back if someone would take the time to go to visit them personally to tell them how much they are loved and missed.

So my question is: what does that mean for us? As individuals, as a women's ministry, and as a church family? What are we being called to do to reach this age group? How can we minister to them?

What about members of any age groups who have left, or just aren't involved, or maybe once were but aren't now? What are we called to do for them?

How far are we willing to stretch ourselves out of our comfort zone to share Jesus Christ with another person? I'll let you in on a secret. It is hard for me to pass out invitations. I don't know why it is so hard for me to do that, but it always has been hard for me. It is harder for me to do that than it is for me to talk one on one with someone or teach a Bible class. For me, to pass out invitations is way out of my comfort zone. So I am already praying for courage to not back down when it comes to passing out invites to our kick-off in September. And I know that all of us have things that are more difficult for us and send us out of our comfort zone. But let's make the commitment to go to God with those, and to allow Him to transform us, so that He can reveal Himself to us and through us in a way in which we could not ask or imagine.

Grace and peace to you all!

Thursday, June 2, 2011

We Shall Morph Indeed

Last night was the kick-off to our summer series. We are studying about spiritual transformation using the book "The Life You've Always Wanted". It's going to be awesome!
This morning I was thinking about worms. Actually, I was thinking about the song "At the Cross". When I was in high school, I had a friend that protested that hymn. You see, the original version actually says "for such a worm as I". That was later changed to "for such a one as I". My friend would actually almost shout the word "worm" as we were singing the second version during church. She protested that singing "one" takes away the true meaning. We are lowly and undeserving, and He loved us so much that He would die for us, despite the fact that our nature is vile, repulsive, and "wormy".

But then my mind quickly shifted from worms to caterpillars, then to butterflies. I thought about how God reveals a part of His divine purpose for us with the beautiful example given to us in nature of the transformation of the caterpillar to the butterfly.

You see, we are like the caterpillars, stuck to the ground with our face in the dirt, our view limited to only what is in front of us, limited in purpose. We wander aimlessly in futility, without eternal perspective, without Godly power, without His purpose in our hearts, without the knowledge of the faithfulness of His nature and the security found in His love. All we see is the earthly dirt in front of us.

But He has a great love and a bigger plan and purpose for His little caterpillars.

He transforms us into butterflies. Beautiful butterflies that reflect His glory. He gives us wings powered by His strength to take us places that we never dreamed of. We no longer see dirt, but see an eternal purpose with a God-inspired perspective. He leads us to soar as we use the gifts with which His Spirit equips us.

He has a purpose for us. A plan. A destination. A goal. And great love for His transformed creation. Love that existed before that transformation but now is understood by it.

Oh how He loves us!

Some of us may identify with the worm, feeling insecure in His love, unworthy of Him, living without purpose or identity. Some may identify with the caterpillar, lacking eternal perspective, feeling as if there is more to this life that what we currently are experiencing, wondering where He is, why circumstances are occurring that hurt us, what possible plan does He have. Then, there are the transformed butterflies. The creation that has allowed Him full access into their hearts so He can transform them, allowed Him to get rid of the earthy dirt that clouds their minds and limits their eternal perspective, and are soaring with His strength.

We are a new creation in Him!

Sisters, let us, with great enthusiasm, allow Him to transform us into the creation that He has purposed for us to be. May we actively seek to allow Him the pre-eminent position in our hearts this summer. We are more than conquerors through Him who loves us- Romans 8:37.

Grace and peace,

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Surrounded By A Cloud Of Witnesses

I love the imagery of Hebrews 12:1-2. I imagine us right now, here on earth, being surrounded by the spiritual giants who battled before us. I imagine Paul, Peter, Luke, John, David, Mary, Martha, and so many more that I can't list them. I think of how these wonderful men and women allowed God to use their lives to inspire, comfort and motivate us. They faced great obstacles, trials and difficulties, and pressed on, allowing God to guide them in their lives to accomplish His great plan. Many of them did not have a complete understanding of God's divine plan, yet they trusted Him with their lives.

How much we can learn from their examples!

"Let us throw off everything that entangles us, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us. Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

The Women's PowerWALK Wednesday ministry began in September 2010 with the goal of leading women in a closer WALK with our Lord Jesus Christ. We want to create a ministry in which we learn about those who have WALKed on before us, grow in our love for and trust in our God, live to love and serve Jesus Christ, come to know the work of the Holy Spirit who lives within us, and serve together as the united body of Jesus Christ. We want to be in His Word, live His Word, and reveal His Word to others.

We want to get rid of anything that holds us back from fully knowing, believing and loving God, our Father. We want to run this race with Godly perseverance, allowing His strength to empower us and work through us. To do this, we fix our eyes on Jesus Christ, the center of our message, the main character in our stories.

There is a great joy that awaits us when we are with Him in Heaven, but there is also a great joy that awaits us now, through knowing Him, believing Him, serving Him, loving Him and spending time in fellowship with our Christian family. May God continue to bless us on this endeavor that He has set before us. May we enjoy our WALK with Him and with each other!

Grace and peace to you.